Ana Spencer gives birth to Eric Spencer.


Amanda Noneman gives birth to Elissa Noneman.


Stive and Peter Noneman are killed.

Amanda Noneman sells the carpenter shop to Chris Barrington.

Julie Warren gets her sister in law, to run the dairy nest to the inn, The Old Witch.




Christmas It's twilight, when Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs get to Filly Point and enter the inn, The Filly.

At the inn, Keith Valdor tells, there was a little witch seen in the town, but she got awey. Now he and Arcy Jacobs is out looking for clues, where she might be.

Ana Spencer, a sister to Amanda Noneman, tells them, that they did not have seen any sign of the witch, and gives them an accommodation for the night together.

Next Morning, Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs crosses the bridge towards Lawrow Lake.

It is dark, the succeeding day when Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs are crosssing the bridge at Filly Point, and are booking in at the inn, at Oliver Spencer, where the cheerfully and pationalely are making love together all night.

At The Filly Oliver Spencer books Frederic Owens in for a night, and asks him, if the had a nice Vacation at Wondon Town?

Frederic Owens answers, he had a lovely Vication and got a lot of kissies from the girls, among them, the cousin of Oliver Spencer, Elissa Noneman.

Oliver Spencer brings a couple of beers to Frederic Owens and himself, and Frederic Owens some love songs for Oliver.


Spring Equinox, Oliver Spencer establish a ferry between Witchbridge, Wondon Shire, and the quarry at Bridgewater, Guttric Shire.

Late spring Laurie and Oliver starts dating and Laurie helps establish the ferries form Filly Point.

Early summer Andy Lamp and Oliver Spencer are building a cottage for the ferry at Filly Point

Midsummer Laurie and Oliver Spencer move together at the ferry house at Filly.


Laurie Reise marries Oliver Spencer.

Spring Equinox Laurie Spencer gives birth to Anton Spencer.